Alright, first goes the confession. If I travel anywhere by bus, train or car I make all efforts to get the window seat. Not by waking a stranger up, but if it's my sister who is sitting at a window and not me, then she definitely gets to see my bipolar disorder :-|. Last weekend I travelled to Mysore with her by bus.We had to leave early morning. Well she has the love for the window seating too. So it started as a cold war for she got inside first and there weren't any other seats left. I threatened her, pleaded with puppy dog eyes,squeaked like a mosquito, negotiated, bribed but nothing worked in my favor. The window was completely open and the strong cool breeze was rushing inside , I kind of felt, it mocked me. And to rub it in, sis fell asleep within 5 minutes.. I felt abandoned, left out. Looked at the watch , 5 more hours to reach the destination and I picked the novel from the bag but I was not the one to give up on my jealous gene. I started telling rotten funny stories , she opened her eyes half, turned around and said, "Shut up now, will ya?" Me said, " Alright shoot.. You win..You get the seat, Thank me ". She fumed. So I started reading the novel, after 5 minutes wind started blowing a li'l too strongly and yay sis decided to trade the seats as atmosphere was a bit wet and she caught cold . I jumped to her seat before she completed asking me to shift for I am someone who doesn't care the mightiest breeze even if my nose falls down. Thus I got to stick my nose out and enjoy the sight of country side without any hindrance.
We had planned to go to a church about 40 miles from Mysore. It's in a village and the scenic beauty of the place is just brilliant . Flashback : I remember hundreds of milky white herons on a small tree near a pond and the tree looked like a giant jasmine plant.The sweet smell of grass while passing by sugarcane fields and turmeric fields..mmm was just delicious..Villagers washing their cattles at the streams..Paddy fields spread across for acres,small houses made of red bricks..colorful butterflies playing with the wind was a wonderful sight. (Hope I justified why I fight for the window seat :P)
After reaching the church spent rest of the afternoon in prayer and meditation..Ate in a small canteen.. Traditional jaggery coffee served there was just unforgettable. Went back to Mysore in the night, we had plans to stay a night there as had some official work on the next day.. Monday morning after finishing work, went to the famous zoo.. I wouldn't wanna write about jungle cats, giraffes, elephants or exotic birds . You can anyway guess how excited I could've been to be at a place like that :P Saddest part was I hadn't taken my camera and had carried a non camera cell phone with me ( oh yeah )because visiting zoo wasn't a part of the plan. Anyway I enjoyed the 3 km walk better without distractions, though it really did a little harm to my photography loving soul. But it was a perfect , peaceful weekend.
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